little bit of positive news (well maybe not positive for anyone with money in limbo), I ordered during that christmas sale and got mine shipped and received before christmas.
Also in trying to order more at the time to try and see what the savings would be for free shipping, the system would not allow me to order more than what was entered as in stock (though stock is hidden), so before anyone says they sold more than what was on hand, it doesn't look like it was possible to do this with their e-commerce package.
I tried to order 2x of the rifle I wanted, but it said it couldn't complete the order. Once the order or 1 rifle shipped out, the item went out of stock in the system.
I had sent them a message asking if it was possible to delay shipping my order until after christmas as I may not have been home for the delivery, but nobody answered in time, the order was packed and shipped and received before I left for holiday, and someone even got back to me the day after it shipped. So as of dec 24th, there was someone still operating.
Hopefully that little bit of info will help establish a timeline of events.
I futz with V2s, V3s and V6s. I could be wrong... but probably, most likely not, as far as I know.
Last edited by lurkingknight; February 5th, 2014 at 17:13..