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Old February 2nd, 2014, 01:43   #84
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
This is what I don't get. People claiming paintball is more expensive than airsoft. All of the real steel tactical/special forces gear, boits, night vision, etc, etc, etc, and all the things you wouldn't want to risk getting paint on. The only thing left is the gun. I'll agree that paintball markers where/are way overpriced in many cases, but a training weapon decked out in real steel gun parts, equipment, accessories, etc. No no, if paintball was more expensive for you than airsoft, you're not airsofting right. Lol. Anyways, with the lightweight and ergonomic nature of modern military gear and guns, you should be able to play airsoft at a much faster pace than paintball ever could. Paintball has one thing going for it, that is also its biggest downfall; the paint. Sure you can "see" your hits, but in airsoft you can more accurately hit your target. They may or may not call it, but you can make them pay, or oust them from the community as well by setting examples. Also, that never stopped paintballers from going, "that paint mark was already there", "you hit me, but it didn't break", "I got that from rubbing up against something with paint on it". Never played paintball as extensively, but I had many friends who did. Coming from paintball into airsoft was like going from watching an Down syndrome kid trying to play Punch Out on a broken NES, in black and white, to watching UFC live, front row.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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