Originally Posted by Mike27MB
Well, depending on what you mean. For indoor CQB, the last thing you'd want to do with a longer gun in tight, smaller areas, would be turning a corner and hitting someone ^-^ In all seriousness, you will be able to shoulder the gun quicker with a CQB-sized gun. You will also be able to maneuver faster and have more movement with a shorter gun.
As the song goes, you can’t always get what you want, lol.
PZR Paintball in Picton (where Nightfall is held) has both outdoor and indoor environments. Even if your particular mission called for one type of gun you often have to cross through territory where your kit is awkward. So yea, you may find yourself as DMR guy being pushed back of the line if your fire team has to clear the building before you can set up on the 2nd floor and be useful.
If the rest of your team is wiped out in an ambush are you going to give up? Charge blindly? No, you’ll have to adapt, and be a pebble in the boot of the enemy. Whether that’s transitioning to your pistol/CQC secondary, or moving to a position where you long arm isn’t so awkward, you still have to deal with your big gun.