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Old January 29th, 2014, 17:00   #1
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Ingersoll, Ontario
F2000 Hop up replacement - whoops....

Sooo yeah. I decided to try throwing a Madbull Ultimate Hop up unit inside my G&G F2000 today and it don't quite fit :P the plastic adapter that goes from the stock hop up to the magazine was in the way, so I took that out and no issues for that, but now the HU is just a TIIIINNNYYY bit to high to push the mag detent aside. I have to push the mag up and then it looks like it takes, but I need to put some rounds into it and see...

I didn't realize that the hop up units were going to conflict (I owned an M4 and the Madbull went straight in, I didn't realize there was that plastic adapter in the F2000 lol) and worst part is during tear down the spring holding the cover cap over the hop up unit snapped one of the retention arms off the gun body... Think hot glue or something will hold that in place assuming I never take the bloody thing apart again?...

Long story short, even if it's similar to an M4 for magazine usage and some parts, doesn't mean it's a drop in fit. Yeah lesson learned :P

EDIT: realized too late I put this in the wrong section, feel free to move it mods
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