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Old January 18th, 2014, 09:08   #6
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Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
have you chronoed the gun? if you're getting retarded low fps, you have very poor air seal, at that point it's not a feeding issue, it's just a compression issue.

when nothing comes out of the barrel does it make a farting noise or just a dry firing noise? or does it sound like a regular shot?
I haven't chrono'd the gun yet as I don't have access to a chrono at the moment. Shots sounded normal, except when the battery appeared to die on me, which is another concern I need to look into as my multimeter read a charge of 8.4V.

Air seal was one of my bigger concerns when I opened the G3 up to clean out the gunk in the gear box to reshim & relube so I applied a "liberal" amount of teflon tape to various parts of the cylinder, cylinder head, etc. It should be air tight now that I've got the nozzle in its proper place.

But short of the nozzle being out of place I shouldn't have any other compression issues but I'll need to test it out later to see if there's any other problems. I've had a few annoying problems with this AEG already, hopefully it's good to go now as I'd like to finish my review and write up of this G3 lol.
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