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Old January 17th, 2014, 12:47   #1
Join Date: Dec 2011
Bolt Action Carbine Project

Hello all,

I've had a hankering for a bolt action gun that I can use in closer (non sniper distance limited) situations.

So I thought to myself; Well, I can modify the spring no problem, but my L96 is going to be unwieldy as hell inside. I'd like a shorter bolt action that I can swing around if I need it.

This is proving to be very hard to find. My first choice would be something like a lever action carbine, but they're much harder to modify for FPS, and on top of that they're mostly gas, which wouldn't work year around here (and have iffy reviews), so I've opted not to go that route yet.

I'm thinking of buying a sniper to cut it down to carbine length, basically giving me what I want. The question is:

Which sniper would be best for this project?

Most snipers have artificially inflated part sizes (L96 has a big chassis, which I'm not completely opposed to, but the barrel is much bigger than needed in both length and width)

Any ideas? Has anyone done this before? What are your theories on barrel length changes VS accuracy and FPS performance?
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