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Old January 17th, 2014, 10:58   #222
Short Round
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: SkyDome
Originally Posted by WeG39c View Post
Well i just joined the p90 club. I got the King Arms P90 tactical KA-AG-93-BK the fancier one with the nylon fiber body metal upper and quick change spring. Im torn on which way i should go for mags tho. I like the 168 round mid cap mags, but i dont know if they fit the king arms.

I know king arms has the 100 round mid caps. But is that going to be enough?

Then there is the bastard child of p90 mags.... the box mag...
i like the idea of using a lonex m4 mag and having enough bbs to just spray forever. I emailed evike and the tech said that i have to use something to space the box mag back further for it to feed? Has anyone got a king arms p90 to work with the box mag? how did you space it?

If i can get the box mag to work i think ill buy it and a set of mid caps.

The 168 Mid Caps you speak of I assume are the MAG, from my last experience with them they didn't feed the greatest, but that might be do to the set up I was running at the time (My P90 never liked mid caps, but it also has had many problems in the past haha). I know they worked fine for others though.

I personally run 5 - 68rnd Low Caps. I rarely am even able to get through 2 mags as long as I am using Semi only. Once I switch to Full Auto though, I tend to go through my magazines quite quickly.

I think if you picked up either the King Arms 100rnd, Silverback 150rnd, or MAG 170rd Mid Caps you should be fine. All P90 magazines will fit and should work in your gun.

Avoid the abomination that is the "box mag", unless you want to be ridiculed (heavily), also most box mags, at least in Ontario are banned from use unless it exists in real life and is an actual support gun. My thinking when it comes to the P90 box mag is, why the hell buy a P90 to use a stanag magazine with it? Should just stick with getting a PDR, Tavor, L85, or a damn AR haha.

Anyways I wrote a guide for P90s below which might help, if you have any more questions let me know.

Welcome to the family!
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