Well i just joined the p90 club. I got the King Arms P90 tactical KA-AG-93-BK the fancier one with the nylon fiber body metal upper and quick change spring. Im torn on which way i should go for mags tho. I like the 168 round mid cap mags, but i dont know if they fit the king arms.
I know king arms has the 100 round mid caps. But is that going to be enough?
Then there is the bastard child of p90 mags.... the box mag...
i like the idea of using a lonex m4 mag and having enough bbs to just spray forever. I emailed evike and the tech said that i have to use something to space the box mag back further for it to feed? Has anyone got a king arms p90 to work with the box mag? how did you space it?
If i can get the box mag to work i think ill buy it and a set of mid caps.