I struggle to comprehend the excuse that they are very busy. As they are an e-commerce only retailer one should expect & accept no less than a smooth electronic transaction. That's what they are supposed to do.
When you have a brick and mortar store as well as an online business there are more distractions. Ask any one of those type of retailers active on here and they will likely concurr it can be a challenge but their hasnt been one that ive dealt with over the years where I've had any issues. My problems have always been when ive dealt with these type of fly by night outfits that don't have a location you can drive to and complain face to face. It's so much easier for them to blow customers off when they can ignore your emails for days. If you really want customer service stick with those retailers who run a brick and mortar store as well as online business. Those type of businesses understand customer service. And before you flip out....YES...their are exceptions to this...I am well aware of some of the amazing online only retailers...but those are exceptions...at least that's been my experience over the years.
Oh...and I musta missed something in regards to moving a ton a of product...they never seem to have anything in stock.....