Originally Posted by kaiu
I expected delays, but this is getting kind of ridiculous considering its almost 3 weeks now *slower than out of country* and that's not even including the four items being shipped yet.
Especially considering even stuff ordered from Japan and the US after Christmas and even after New Years, have all already arrived.
If it makes you feel better I got my order (a KWA USP Match mag) Yesterday!

I order on DEc 24th but they didn't ship until Jan 7th, so shipping shouldn't take long at all assuming that the will ship it soon. As for the folks defending Rev b/c they have low prices, and its the busy season or w/e, keep in mind that it's the 21st century and sending money electronically doesn't take any longer than it does to read and reply to an email. There's no excuse for the shit service the OP has been receiving.