Quality (LCT kits), realism, recoil, and lots of aftermarket support would be a few reasons why you'd want to go with GHK.
Do a bit more research and figure out whats in your price range and what you want looks wise. There's the "classic" look and the "tacticool" look, wire folding stock, solid folding stock, AR stock adapters, etc. Do you want to bother getting parts to swap out or do you want to buy an AK and not have to do anything to it? Do you want to run rails (since you mentioned it I'm assuming you want them)? What sort of accessories or optics are you planning on putting on? Figure out what you want first cause at the end of the day your budget might not be able to cover what you want.
Oh and a few other things to note is the maintenance of GBBRs, are you willing to break it down after each game and clean it, oil it, lube it and give it a once over? Then there's the cost of mags, how many do you want/need? GBBR's are usually standard cap and they're not cheap at ~$50-60 a pop average (before tax) compared to AEG midcap mags that go for ~$40-50 for a set of 5 or more.
End of the day you'll probably be pushing $1K for a GBBR, mags, minimum essential gear (GOOD goggles, boots, etc) vs the much cheaper costs of an AEG. Just some things to put into consideration when going with GBBRs vs AEGs.