I suggest you try a few first. Everyone has their own personal preferences.
I've owned/used:
- Bushnell Trophy RDS
Real steel, mid range tube RDS;
- Aimpoint CompM2 clones
Works as well as the Bushnell, quality ones will hold zero on a GBBR. Looks "cooler" than the Bushnell. Looking cool is super important. Probably my favorite all around;
- Aimpoint Micro T1 clone
Mounted on an AK, also like it: the green dot is really crisp in all lighting conditions, also holds zero;
- Docter Sight clone
Usually piggybacked. Works but the self-adjusting brightness is a huge PITA;
- generic reflex -style sight
Multiple reticles is cool, fairly low profile, works as advertised but -- and this sorta answers the point TNL brought up -- it tends to catch all kinds of reflections, e.g., if you're being lit from in front, it will catch the reflection of your face. The tubes on Aimpoint style optics helps prevent this;
- EOTech 556 and XPS2 clones
I had the Huang ones. They held zero on GBBRs. I found the reticle way too "busy" and tended to put a big "blotch" on target rather than an accurate dot. This is where personal preference and comfort comes in; the EOTech ret just didn't work for me -- although I know many people do like it. On the clones, the reticule also becomes very large if you move the optics too far forward. Real EOtech is cost prohibitive. YMMV.
- various magnified optics
ACOG, fixed 4x, 3.5-10x40, etc. The magnification is useful for spotting but unnecessary for aiming, and under most conditions trying to aim close range with high magnification will work against you rather for you (among other things its very easy to get tunnel vision and lose situational awareness; it's also a slower aim so you may want to mount secondary optics).