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Old December 26th, 2013, 11:09   #4
Strelok's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Brandon Manitoba
If you're going gas. I would look into getting the magazines tapped for an HPA system, even though that sounds silly. You trade off consistency with the benefits you get from a gas system. Temperature can affect your shot easily, and usually for the worst, and lack of consistency in a sniper rifle is the last thing you'll ever need.

Using an HPA system that you can regulate will allow for consistency, while maintaining the quieter report, easy bolt pull and etc.

If you're looking for a gas platform. Tanaka's have always been a choice for people, but they're a pain to get these days. Look into getting the current gen line of KJW M700's and a couple 'high capacity' magazines that you can rig up for HPA. The guns currently have a VSR-10 compatable hopup chamber and barrel assembly, which is much more ideal than their previous hop system.

Overall, just bear in mind you're not entirely getting a huge advantage over other players by using a sniper rifle. As I mentioned before, most upgrades put into a rifle are for consistency, being able to do consistent follow up shots without having to worry about the bb flying astray. Sniping isn't as exciting as it might seem in video games when it comes into airsoft. So please keep that in mind! Its a totally different ballgame.

Last edited by Strelok; December 26th, 2013 at 11:12..
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