Originally Posted by Roland1014
Would a lighter BBU help in cycling MBK slides? Like this "Angle Customs" one from evike:
EDIT: Nevermind, looks like they took an AIP, made it red and rebranded it.
The lighter you make your slide, the higher cyclic you'll achieve.
According to one of Newton's law of motion anyways.
The downside is that with a light slide assembly, you'll reduce felt recoil of the gun.
That BBU, if it's identical to the AIP one in terms of it's weight, you'll reduce the weight of the housing nearly by a half. The Standard Marui Glock BBU comes in at around 54.3g and the AIP one is about 24g last I measured. I don't have any at the moment so I can't say that I'm 100% confident in that number. But I bet it's pretty close. lol.