Thread: Combat Stimms
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Old December 18th, 2013, 17:03   #15
Zack The Ripper
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Originally Posted by ThunderCactus View Post
high protein intake, very high protein intake.
dried fruit bars are great for energy too, try to reduce or eliminate refined sugar intake. Specifically, if you're taking sugar you want fructose, not glucose or sucrose.
Don't mean to stomp all over your post, but: For energy you actually want a high fat intake, not protein. We aren't trying to get lean, we are trying to get mean.

Protein, red meat especially, is the hardest thing aside from gluten for the body to breakdown and your body actually burns calories trying to break down proteins into amino acids for your body to be able to reuse them.

Fructose is also one of the hardest sugars for the body to digest and is actually being marked by many in the diet-know as something to avoid; because it is so hard to digest you actually will bog your digestive system down, thus bogging the rest of you down. Live and dried fruit actually contain very little fructose, which is why they are a great source of natural sugar or sugar in general. Fructose is extremely sweet tasting and thus they use it in many things in place of glucose; the issue is with people marketing as a healthy sugar because it comes from fruits. Five minutes of looking up articles about high fructose corn syrup will show you why fructose is something to avoid in any and all forms aside from getting it from the live fruit directly.

Breads also bog you down because of the gluten and if you are already tired and have something with lots of wheat in it you'll feel like going into a comatose.

If you want high energy food that means easily digestible high calorie HEALTHY foods: eat nuts, avocado, live or dried fruit (especially berries) as Thunder Cactus mentioned, some protein is good like say making a quick sandwich with cold cuts or canned fish (just not too much; mercury), and of course some veggie snacks like carrots or snap peas.

This said, who doesn't love a cold can of Chef Boyardee in the middle of the night at PRZ?

Edit: if you want something that will give you a serious jolt without a crash or any negative effects, try a powerful vitamin B12 supplement. Take a double dose, pee green, get mean, and go out with hours more energy. ShroomTech Sport is a great one thing to try; its a pre-workout but all natural containing vitamins B6, B12 and cordyceps mushrooms and is used for much more than just a pre-workout. In the way of "stimms", it probably takes the cake.
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Last edited by Zack The Ripper; December 18th, 2013 at 17:34..
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