Good evening ASC,
I have just received my LCT TK105 NV this morning, and so far I am very happy with the externals, and the stock accuracy. I have taken it out for a covert accuracy test (aka. shooting prone from our house's mezzanine, aiming for an el cheapo dollar store 12" pizza tray I have nailed on the rear fence of our backyard

At an estimated 140-ft range, with no hop, I landed most hits on target.
ROF is decent on an 8.4v no-name battery, 13-15RPS.
I haven't opened up the gearbox yet. I will do that soon to inspect, shim, and re-lube.
From experience, is there anyone that can give me more info on LCT gearboxes? Quality of stock gears, hop, bushings? Help would be appreciated.