Originally Posted by Dimitri
Not really.
That means every MBR of the world, now can carry a extra 10 BB's from "real cap".
It also means that PDW's like say the P90, now do not get their "real life" intended purpose, of having a large amount of fire in a compact package relative to a assault rifle. Who's "real cap" would be 50 BB's.
Your idea isn't about fairness, it's about making everyone fit into the AR dominated world.
It's not my system, it's just "a" system. The point being, wether your trying to have real steel limits, or a blanket ammo cap, weapon not dependent, it's up to the game organizer. Conform, or don't attend. The community is AR dominant, because it's the most reasonable and easy system. If you want to be different, all the power to you, even I'd like some unique gear. However, it's unreasonable for "individuals" to expect special accommodation, or understanding from "everyone" else.