Sure, but it really depends on what the game organizer, or whoever, is trying to accomplish. Are you going for realism? Using real steel amounts in magazines, and then applying an appropriate magazine cap based on real world equivalents, or related. Maybe it's an ammo cap through and through, and has no direct basis off of real steel. {blank} number of rounds per magazine, and {blank} number of allowed magazines total. The off dynamic is always the gun. It doesn't matter wether it's a famas, AK, M4, etc, etc, you can work with those easily. However, if a player has an LMG, sniper platform, or a one-off type gun, then it is they who must fit into the game perimeters. It's not really that big of deal, I'd just run a pistol if I had to. There's nothing wrong with running a P90, I didn't want to give off that impression, but it is what it is. There are platforms out there that "only" have high caps available, period. Guess what? They will be restricted from use if the game calls for it.
I'm not saying buy "this and that", just in case a bizarre game comes up. Knowing real ammo capacities is as easy as a google search. But when I said have an alternative, I meant more along the lines of, and just as an example, woodland and an AK, or multicam and an M16. Lots of parts, lots of gun doctors, lots of available gear, lots of everything. You don't have to do this, but that is why it gets recommended to new players. Stay versatile, and stay involved. A P90 is short, has oblong magazines, and not a lot of batteries, accessories, and people available that can just rip it down and rebuild it; not versatile. "Almost any" would-be gun doctor can monkey with a V2 or V3. Go into a gun shop, or airsoft, hell, even online. Wall to wall crap for M4/M16 platforms, and the gear to carry them. Many guns have similar sized and shaped magazine types as well, telling you that the modern world lives mostly within these perimeters.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
Last edited by Ricochet; December 13th, 2013 at 12:27..