Looks like ASC has been compromised and a script has been uploaded to redirect pages out.
If you are not using a browser with an adblocker please consider using one adding the following link to your blacklist until the hijackers catch wind and change the domains/admins respond:
qohxtklfmy.com (April 14 2022 domain changed and no longer in use)
jomtingi.net (comes blacklisted with ublock origin)
grootcho.com (comes blacklisted with ublock origin)
This should stop the redirects/popups but it's not guaranteed to last forever. Until an admin is able to respond to the malicious script removal; if the popups/redirects return despite the blacklisting i will investigate and update the post with more malicious domains to add.
Evidence on
Line 50 > injected script
Line 11 > inject script
I'm not sure if this means that the website has been indeed hijacked and if information exchange is now vulnerable however I would recommend to err on the side of caution.
Do what you think is right with this information.