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Old November 23rd, 2021, 20:17   #9
Canadian Psycho
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Been running dubs exclusively since 2008. Presently have 3 in various configurations. Zero plans or desire to switch, they work, every time without fail or maintenance. One of mine has several hundred thousand bb's through it with only a tac'd motor and a mechbox lubrication. Id love to see a normal AEG do that without fail. Only mod's my dubs have are tac'd motors and hopups, thats it.
I've never felt seriously outperformed by an AEG, and while modern tech is able to match it, its still not wildly beating it like some suggest. I will absolutely agree that AEGs have come a long way, and with some time and money can match a dub in trigger response, range, and accuracy for a cheaper price point, i will take my reliability every single day of the week and never think twice.

I would love to try the new infinity mechbox at some point, but presently dont feel the need to spend the money.
"Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy, forget in time that men have died to win them"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
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