Newbie with G&G related questions
Hello, my name is Jeremy
I have been looking into airsoft for a couple years now, and i think i am finally going to try it next weekend. Borrowing a coworkers spare gun. I feel like i will enjoy it since i am into hardcore fps survival games (eft, squad).
Now i have been looking at the G&G SRXL. Looks amazing, and affordable, i just have 2 questions
1) i was looking at handguards and seen a nice tan 16" handguard by i think BD? Was similar to the predators handguard. Would a swap be easy?
2) is it relatively "easy" to find someone to cnc a custom reciver? Or is that something unable to be done legally? (Mainly just want the SRXL look but metal, and custom engraving)
Thank you!