If you have a budget that high, you might want to look into a high quality gun instead of that overpriced low end G&G...
Like AKs? LCT's short AKs are excellent.
Rumors have it that LCT will release a MP5 soon, but if you can't wait, ICS just released a stamped steel MP5.
Tokyo Marui recently announced a new MP5, which stops shooting when the mag is empty and you have to HK slap it after reloading to get it to shoot again.
The ASG Scorpion EVO is very good, and also stops shooting when the mag is empty.
ARs are more to your liking? E&C has a good line up of short barrelled M4s that are reputed to be very good.
Plan to change all the internals and want the best externals? You can look into VFC short barrelled ARs.
Keep quiet. Sound travels faster than BBs.
Québec province's master age verification representative.