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Old March 10th, 2021, 01:19   #180
Warderp's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Toronto
Some recent internet happenings have brought to my attention that perhaps we are looking at this from the wrong angle and if you have been saddled with an MP from the Liberal party in your area you need to write them a letter in language and terms they will understand and be unable to defend against.
Follows is an example of such a letter:

[Your Name]
[Your Business (If Applicable)]
[Your Address Line 1]
[Your Address Line 2]

[Today’s Date]

[Name of Member of Parliament]
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

I identify as a SuperStraight Gunsexual, I fall into the SuperStraight category of the LGBTQ+ movement except I am also sexually aroused/attracted to firearms.

I am especially attracted to my airsoft shotgun, I love it because I can pump it as hard as I want and as often as I want, I feel liberated to come out as a gunsexual because now I don't feel ashamed to pump it in front of other people or feel inclined to follow my other gunsexual inclinations and shoot other airsoft guns.
I am also fully gunsexual as I don't discriminate and will shoot airsoft and real steel, both sides of my gunsexual awaking and coming out are represented.
As a member of the ASIC CCFR SSG LGBTQ+ community I am saddened that bill C-21 contains hate speech targeting the institutionally repressed gunsextual community. In contravention of section 15 of The Charter guaranteeing equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law, and in violation of the provincial human rights code which protects against discrimination based on LGBTQ+ orientation.
I am glad that the ASIC CCFR SSG LGBTQ+ communities are so open and welcoming to the diversity in our country that they accept me for my gunsexuality, yet I am saddened that this liberal government has tabled legislation with so couched in hate speech so blatantly targeting an already persecuted minority of the LGBTQ+ community in the form of C-21.
Please explain why such a forward looking progressive government is so BIGOTED towards LGBTQ+.

Yours truly,

[Your Signature]

[Your Name]

This was rather hastily done, and could possibly require some tweaking/improvement, there are definitely more buzzwords that can be tossed into the salad.
"Are you going out LARPing in the woods with your friends this weekend?"

"First of all it's called airsoft, and second you can't bring the foam lightning bolts
you made unless the crono shows they are under the FPS limit"
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