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Old March 2nd, 2021, 22:56   #161
dogtoy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Windsor Ontario Canada
We are doing everything we can , but I feel like we are trying to negotiate with someone who doesn't even want show up at the table , I mean if they would have said "hey guys we realize this airsoft has turned into a big thing now but we have these concerns , is there a way you can help us with them" but instead they went dictator style so I don't think they will listen to anything , Im trying to be hopeful but short of somehow getting an exception for airsoft & or a change a to the charter of rights or something that prevents these types of baseless attacks, I just don't see what is going to stop this
" Now if the hydro prices dont go down in ontario , Im going to have to switch all my aeg's to gas ,... "
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