February 23rd, 2021, 12:09
cranky old man
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: In a Van,.... Down by the River!
Originally Posted by baronsass
JTs jackboots are showing
For those who don?t think they?ve got a dog in the gun-rights fight, sorry to burst your bubble, but you do. Whether you?re pro-gun, anti-gun or don?t care, Conservative, Liberal or otherwise, the Liberal Party?s gun-control measures ? both passed and planned - go far beyond their stated intent and directly threaten your rights, not just those of gun-enthusiasts or airsofters. This government has no problem arbitrarily passing laws that authorize the outlawing and confiscation of private property without offering any coherent rationale or justification, and it will do so without due process. That makes this government a threat to your civil and Charter rights. If you care about your democracy, fight this legislation. Write your MP, sign an official petition, and donate to one of the various court challenges. We really are all in this one together.
Find your MP:
Sign official petition:
Support court challenges:
CCFR: https://membership.firearmrights.ca/legal_challenge
CSSA: https://cssa-cila.org/cssa-supports-...f-sor-2020-96/
NFA: https://nfa.ca/contribute/
MODT - tu fui ego eris