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Old February 20th, 2021, 16:02   #8
Join Date: Feb 2021
Originally Posted by 666 View Post
Oh, I'm not 100% sure, well, 0% sure on how government will respond if lets say a bb pistol will be modified to meet firearm criteria. I have no idea how they will even classify it, restricted, non restricted. Technically supposed to be restricted but who knows. Never seen one like that.
P.S Even if you convert them into firearms they might end up on a prohib list of firearms. Idiots compiled a list of about 1500 different models in May. Bunch of us ended up with prohib paperweights

I spoke to a firearms controller... as of today, if you get arrested with a bbgun/airsoft. The charges on you will depend on your action at the moment of your arrest... walking around with an airsoft in a school zone vs doing a bank vs shooting in your yard pulling too much attention.. the charges won't be the same.

Now if your airsoft/bb is modded above the limit, they can come up with more charges after the ballistic tests.

As of today, if you have a license for a rifle and you have modded a bb rifle , you will be accused of using an unregistered rifle.. (here you have the proper license but you did not register that rifle)

However, if you only have a rifle license and not the sidearms license and you carry a modded airsoft/bb beretta. You will be accused of carrying a sidearm illegally (unregistered sidearm, perhaps prohibited). I beleive it is criminal. Even if you were not using it. And thats only because the beretta was modded. (Here not only you don't have the proper license, but you are doing something illegal). Unless your job permit to carry a gun, someone with just a sidearm license can only go to shooting range and back home.. that license doesn't allow to carry a sidearm on you 24/24

As of today....

Last edited by Bbpellet; February 20th, 2021 at 16:14..
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