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Old February 20th, 2021, 14:11   #6
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by Bbpellet View Post
What if we all get our PAL? a PAL doesn't help does it?

So if you have a PAL license, if you store 'say' a real 22mm hunting rifle in your gun safe locker, having an unregistered bb rifle next to it is still ok because they are both rifle.. but not if you have a bb/airsoft beretta .?
Because a beretta is not a hunting rifle.. correct?
Air guns/airsoft that is not a firearm will fall under prohib category which will require you to have license in order to avoid confistaction. License you cannot get because it does not exist. Nothing to do with what bunch of us have. Not a PAL. Only thing you can do really, if you want to be 100% legit with your collection is to get a PAL, modify all your stuff to shoot over 500fps/5.7j this way in will no longer be a replica. It will be considered a firearm. Anything that shoots over that threshold is a firearm but if I were you I'd follow the advice I gave earlier. Keep it under the radar and hope to be seeing better times.

Last edited by 666; February 20th, 2021 at 14:14..
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