Originally Posted by Bbpellet
I have $1000 worth of bb and pellet guns/rifles but with this crap 21 law coming, i worry about keeping my collection. I really don't need a criminal record or something right now.
Should i just get rid of my bb/pellet collection and move to airsoft ? My understanding is that even airsoft falls into the same prohibition replica category but who knows, they may decide to tolerate airsoft more than bb
My small bb/pellet guns, will they lose their value ? I know we won't be able to sell our collection but if the liberal lose the next election, we may again trade those toys. (Presuming the conservative dish the law)
Keep my collection or sell them before its too late?
Who are you going to sell it to? Most enthusiasts already know about C-21. If C-21 passes you will still be able to legally possess your collection, plink in the basement etc. but if cop asks you about it for any reason you'd have to surrender those guns without compensation but criminal charges will be brought up against you. So unless you are trying to buy/sell/loan any of your stuff there won't be any legal trouble. Keep it under lock and key, keep your mouth shut about it and hope that we will eventually see light at the end of Liberal tunnel. And no, airsoft will suffer same faith as pellet guns if bill goes through.