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Old February 19th, 2021, 22:26   #74
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Toronto, ON
Originally Posted by Derpystronk View Post
So I'm just chiming in here so you know what a lot of the community at large is doing outside of ASC:

We are currently in the process of organizing on a national level in order to best co-ordinate our responses. We are not only in talks with the CCFR but are working towards the onboarding every province.

A Petition to the House of Commons is already written, sponsored by a MP and is waiting publishing. This will be pushed out as soon as it is,

There will be a lot of different initiatives: one of the most important ones that is being worked on will be real world political activism and engagement. Working with campaigns in the real world to help get people seated is one of the most powerful things we can do as an individual. A dozen Airsofters showing up to help knock on doors can be the difference in a ridings election. This organization will be ramping up soon too.

Things are happening. If you want to get involved and do something more than writing a letter and hoping there will be plenty of opportunity to do that in the near future.
I am quoting Delta as a bump of sorts. It's good to share news articles, it's good to talk and discuss, it's good to write your MP.

However, not to be crass, but for you real steal guys you can have a look at the 50 page CGN threads that go back several years. None of this has resulted in any measurable reversal of policy, or change in position on any issue.

It's best to become politically active. As others in this thread have suggested, collaborative canvassing and activism efforts such as Delta's (for you ON folks) is the best way forward.

There was an article a couple years back about how the entire Liberal caucus was "terrified" at JT's proposed firearm legislation. And look at we have now. Why are they terrified? because we have the power to let people know about our great hobby. We have the power to cultivate change through political activism.

We need to act now.
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