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Old February 17th, 2021, 12:23   #28
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Toronto, Ontario
Originally Posted by keegant View Post
I hear you, but the businesses (even the largest retailers in Canada) don't have as much legal-burn-money as you might think.

The best thing a business can do is motivate its customers to vote and contact political figures. The government doesn't care about a single business crying at the doorstep, but thousands of people voting and taking part in the political system - might actually change something to our liking.
Everyone who cares should get involved, business, ordinary players, event organizers etc. People from CCFR tried to approach airsoft only crowd for a while now but there was little response. Now we all are on the same boat. Pballers, airsofters, real steel owners. More people join the movement = better chances of doing something about C-21!
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