I was just trying to find the old forums today, and couldn't remember for the life of me what they were called. Arnisador was the only member who's name I could recall. If it weren't for him I'd have never found this thread.
Arni and his friends threw a meet n greet/orientation for my friends and I back in 2004. We were all in grade 10. I will never forget how we all brought plastic springers out and my sniper was "almost matrix-like for dodging purposes" XD
Thanks for having us out, you guys. Had a great time and never forgot it. Got lit up playing the pain game with springers, good memories. And thanks again to whoever let me use their MP5-K, which felt rock solid and spat rounds out hard and fast.
Am 32 now and have a kid on the way. Surreal.
Last edited by B1gSn3k; December 26th, 2020 at 18:33..
Reason: edited for clarity