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Old June 6th, 2020, 12:15   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Vancouver
breaking news on the TM HK45/T and VFC HK45CT slide lock back dilemma.

Yesterday it was determined that a third TM HK45 exhibited the exact same problem of the slide not locking back or partial lock backs or no lock back at all, with or without the suppressor attached.

The remedy to this on the stock pistol was to hold the threaded barrel forward with light pressure and it locks back each and every time.

Now I'm no tech wiz but it seems to me that the inner barrel should have some sort of light pressure spring that would help pres the outer barrel forwards as a counter resistance the rearward motion during firing.

How this would be achieved I do not know but I'm thinking a secured o-ring in a modified, channel cut inner barrel with a light spring that pushes on the outer barrels centering channel ridge. Mechanically speaking this makes sense and mimmicks the forward tension of holding it forwards during firing.

The fact that it would lock back fairly consistently with the suppressor on shows that more front drag meant less rear slack but a positive pressure via a spring should completely solve this problem.

Let me know what you think and maybe, collectively we can make this thing do what it's supposed to do with or without the suppressor on.

On a side note and regarding the VFC CT, this fix does not solve the problem. The design as some will know, of the hop chamber to outer barrel is completely different, a separate issue all together that I have yet to address prior to completly giving up and melting it in a kiln
CanĀ“t sleep. Clowns will eat me!

Last edited by Ratters; June 6th, 2020 at 12:19..
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