At the expense of sounding nhilistic, this was my biggest concern going into the election with bill blair as the Minister for Public Safety.
This doesn't necessarily need to be a partisan issue, but that being said make no mistake when I say this particular Liberal government can and will come after our hobby.
The date on the TM P226 FRT revision may have been before the ban, but rest assured it is no coincidence as the RCMP is likely receiving some direct or indirect input from Public Safety on what to ban.
As many here have stated, write your MP, sign the petitions, and next election carefully consider how important your hobby is to you. And carefully consider to what length this particular government will go to jam through ideological rulings in a manner that undermines our parliamentary process.
I am sure many of us remember the Cansoft / Clearsoft days.. for those here that do not, have a look in some of the wayback threads on this forum. If we aren't careful, our hobby could disappear overnight. It wasn't that long ago we were on the verge...