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Old May 12th, 2020, 14:00   #11
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: GTA
I have had a conversation yesterday with my local Liberal MP. Just sharing my experience from that interaction:
Seems that they got a load of pre-made answers to a number of questions about this ban. The one question he could not give a definite answer was about the fact that first nations are more equal than the rest of Canadians since they can use prohibited firearms during the amnesty period for hunting.

Also, their major argument is that all guns start from being legal and then go illegal. To generalize, they are using term "North America" instead of Canada. When talking to them use stats from Canada, especially about arms stollen from Canadians vs from the US.

It seems that my MP supports police to have the right to "kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time"; on the other hand, he feels his family is unsafe in the country where law-abiding gun owner users firearms for sports.

Guy also said that this ban was democratically debated in parliament; however, when I asked him how is OiC reflects that debate, he answered that BQ and NDP supported them on this ban.

As per post above by (Full-Auto-Seer), get involved in Firearms politics if you want to enjoy Airsoft; educate people around you. Politicians are always taking advantage of people's fears and emotions. Thir job to manipulate public opinion to stay longer in the seat.
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