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Old November 28th, 2013, 23:36   #7
ccyg8774's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Brampton, ON
Using MOSFET is a little tricky on guns using micro-switch. (But those guns need MOSFET the most as the micro-switch don't play well with high current.)
The micro switch will bouncing due to viberation, which will cause a lot of problems if using a MOSFET with active breaking (obviously by causing unnecessary active breaking), and some problem if using a MOSFET without active breaking. (not so obvious)

Originally Posted by Kos-Mos View Post

The only thing that it does is everytime the switch bounces, it sends a back EMF to the drain pin. If there is no diode to protect the FET, or if the diode is not fast enough (thing regular N-type diode vs.Stocky), the high voltage spike might scramble the doped semiconductor in the FET and screw thing over.

The other side-effect is that when the switch bounces, it does not cut instantly. The resistance increases a lot while the air is still ionized enough to arc across the contacts. That in turn means that there is a current spike going through the MOSFET, and depending on the unit used, it might exceed the rated max instantaneous current. That same current spike also "boosts" the resulting back EMF (the larger a current is in a given load, the higher the voltage will be when you cut the circuit).
The solution I used was replacing to the no bouncing microswitch in this study:
Haven't do that on my Mk43 yet, but did that on an Ares G36C (also using microswitch) and it now works like a dream.

Last edited by ccyg8774; November 28th, 2013 at 23:39..
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