Originally Posted by godheadx
We call this Jane and finch around here, but there's also Jane and eglinton,
Around the eaton center as tchc buildings (moss park, regeant park, st James town, etc )
BWahaha...dude...I used to live in both the Moss Park AND Regeant Park areas so don't lecture me about how dangerous it is there. Hell.... I went to school on Sherbourne. Sure...its not a nice place...lots of "Canadian" poverty and yeah shit goes down in the Jane and Finch area... but there are far...FAR worse places to be than Toronto. And as for Poverty...don't even get me started.... like I said....there are far worse places to be than the big Smoke.
The only people that think Toronto is a rough, Dangerous place are those that have not been anywhere else or have moved there from a smaller city/town.
Ever drive though Detroit at 9PM on a Friday night? Ever try to get directions from the gas attendant? I have....asked them directions right through the 4 inch thick bulletproof glass how to get back to the border while I watched his right hand S-L-O-W-L-Y reach for whatever he had strapped under the counter.
Per capita Canada dosen't even register on the radar for gun violence. But no matter....I stand by my previous comments.