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Old November 18th, 2013, 09:17   #24
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Ontario, Canada
Originally Posted by ErikSYC View Post
Hi CritcalBill; apart from the monetary part where you saved on shipping, any reason why you would rather bring it on plane instead of post it?

I am also contemplating on how to bring my AEG and 3 GBB Pistols back. I will most likely give away my GBB Pistols when the time comes as they don't meet the CBSA requirement for FPS.

Did you purchase your Airsoft Gun from JK Army or EhobbyAsia etc?
I bought from ehobbyAsia, see link above in my earlier post.

A few reasons to bring back in checked luggage:
a) No duty - after being out of country > 48hrs you can claim up to CAN$800 duty free
b) I get to 'try' the exact unit I am bringing back vs getting it here to find something wrong or not what I expected. By 'try' meaning I did not fire the gun in HK, because I did not want any residual gas in the chamber, b/c gas is not allowed to transport. Probably would have been ok, but didn't want to risk it.
c) I am not certain, but the rules for importing 'may' be different when you do not carry it in and declare it yourself. Don't flame me on this post for saying this, I say 'may be' because I did not do the research to know one way or another.
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