I personally wouldn't mind further out but the wife won't go for it. I had also told her we need a garage or else! Or else you might say? Let me elaborate, I told her we need a garage or else she will walk into the house and see me skinning a deer in the living room. But we're just starting out it would be our first house and we don't have any kids yet. I wouldn't mind something with a bit more space than a suburb kinda feel, I have never been big on city's I personally hate Toronto for some reason I'm not saying the people or anything just the busyness and the lack of a nice 4x4 truck driving down the road. I have never been out west before so if I get some work out that way I hope I can see it for myself.
Originally Posted by L473ncy
Parkland county (Spruce Grove/Stony Plain) is a very nice place to go if you're looking outskirts of Edmonton without being too far from the city life. Kind of like what I'd equate Vancouver is to White Rock or Toronto to Barrie.
When I was looking I think rent was fairly cheap and places were pretty nice too. House prices aren't that bad either (~$300K for 3 bed 3 bath detached single family home? That's a steal compared to the prices in the lower mainland as far as I'm concerned, AND you're only like a 45 min drive from Edmonton).