Originally Posted by Cinco Boy
If you're going for a mirror finish, I just polished a TM 5-7 outer barrel to a mirror finish using a Dremel. It turned out really nice, just get the Dremel polishing kit from home depot. It comes with everything you will need (polishing wheels, polish, and sanding tools). Beats doing it by hand anyways, especially with something of that size.
I already have some polishing compound (green) and some soft coton-like wheels, I guess this is what you're referring to?
I gave it a (real) quick try and wasn't impressed with the results - I take it I need to sand the pieces a bit beforehand;
But a question using the Dremel to polish: A what speed do you use the polishing wheels? It didn't look like slow speed was doing anything and higher speeds were just disintegrating the wheels;
Maybe I can give it another try, or I'll just go with hand sanding as Trev suggested;
I might just do the "mechanical" parts (slide contact and what not) and leave the frame as is