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Old October 23rd, 2013, 14:37   #145
Strelok's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Brandon Manitoba
Hey guys. Getting an E1 BAR soon, and i'm curious about a few things regarding polarstar and how it works.

One, the E1 BAR apparently uses an M240 gearbox internally, I'm curious if it'd be possible to have one fit into a BAR with a bit of modification?

Secondly, Is it possible to have the selector switch activate two firemodes with different rates of fire? I would love to be able to replicate the two ROF settings on the BAR with the polarstar engine. Not sure if I'm being to ambitious here, but it would be a fun project!

I have no understanding on how P* works, so fire away.

Last edited by Strelok; October 23rd, 2013 at 14:40..
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