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Old October 21st, 2013, 02:04   #1
MooseHead92's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2012
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Question Looking to import realsteel RIS for airsoft AK.

Hey ASC, hope you're all enjoying the last decent days of field...

So, I'm looking to import a realsteel RIS for my LCT AKS-74

Amazon: and

Now with it being a firearms part... RCMP website says I don't need an import licence, people tell me anything firearms-related that's over $100 gets yoink'd by customs 100% and even if under that $100 it still won't get to me, and 'Murrica is 'Murrica and loves giving us a hard time. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here wanting to give some TLC to my All...

How would I be able to order this kit? I want it a A LOT (full set) and I'm thinking if anyone here knows someone - or is someone - I could present my case to and get help in exchange for a little financial bonus and a lot of personal gratitude? I'd really appreciate the help, I might be looking to buy this in a month or two.

Thanks in advance for any useful info and/or help! Cheers!
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