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Old October 3rd, 2013, 22:48   #24
ccyg8774's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: Brampton, ON
Originally Posted by ILLusion View Post
They're so unreliable, that quite honestly, anything could break at any time. There is no consistent pattern. If anything, the frame and the slide would be the most durable of the entire gun. I would just run it and replace as parts break. If you want to play the game of upgrading everything to make it more durable, then you might as well do a full overhaul like I've done for other customers. It won't be cheap, and the cost is probably twice what you paid for that gun alone. If durability is your main concern, it would honestly be cheaper to just sell this gun and to buy a Tokyo Marui.
Thanks! I am not really worried about the durability, I just want to make sure I don't break a gun (that could have been saved) from ignorance or lack of proper work...
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