Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
lmao 8000 dollars
If you ask them if there are any hidden fees, and they say no, and they invoice you with a mystery bill, you can refuse it.
If you take your car to a mechanic, get the fluids changed, then you ask "is this everything on my receipt?" and they say yes, its a finished deal. They can't phone you up 3 weeks later and be all "hey we forgot to invoice you for wiper fluid, so come on back to the shop and pay for it"
I paid for shipping. I paid customs fees and taxes at the post office. Anything else beyond that is unwarranted.
Could it become a problem of "he said, she said?" How would you get it in writing or some sort of proof that that's all you had to pay? Email? Recording via Google Voice (with consent/disclaimer that the call is being recorded for QA)?