Originally Posted by Chromey
Wording this with Less Attitude Might get your point across better.
Even Cheap guns can operate fine.
Not everyone can Afford high end stuff Like some of us.
With that Said I have a Well L96 firing 485FPS consistently. (Paid 150, Added 150, Smoking 1200$ guns... GG)
I Suppose Capitalizing words At random Is A Better Alternative at getting Points across.
Curious, do you go around asking people you shoot how much their gun costs? 'Cause that's a bit silly.
Getting the equivalent parts package from PDI or Laylax will give him much better results in the long run than what's offered. I've dealt with clone guns, shitty 'upgrade' parts. And to be honest, they would never hold up compared to something thats properly machined. As K3vX said, using these parts would be much like playing the lottery. You have no idea what you're truly buying and you could just be asking for problems, and ACM is pretty good for making problems.
With that said, you don't need an upgraded rifle to hit somebody, but upgrading it
properly will make that shot much easier to make. If thats not your cup of tea, I can respect that.
Attitude or not.