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Old September 29th, 2013, 11:53   #1827
Dom S
Join Date: Sep 2013
Hey there everyone,

Having read through the majority of this thread can i first say what an amazing resource you have going here, a positive goldmine of information! Now onto my main issue....

yesterday i received a TM 1911 MEU that has been upgraded with a shooters design slide and a guarder metal receiver. As far as I'm aware, these are the only upgrades that have been made, although it was apparently built by Mike Cripps at elite shooting centre. I am unaware if he makes any other changes to the standard internals, although i should hope a custom gun smith would not allow a metal kit upgrade without an enhanced recoil spring for example. Who knows, i have no way of telling, unless anyone else has had a weapon built by him before and could let me know.

The purpose of my post is as follows. When i gassed up the mag and tried to fire it, it let off a single shot, with the cycle only managing to half cock the hammer. i manually cocked the hammer, fired again, and had the same effect.

Being reasonably well acquainted with the internals of TM 1911 pistols i decided to crack her open and see if i could see what was going on. I immediately noticed an issue. The loading muzzle/nozzle has a large crack running through it, which I'm assuming would explain a large decrease in power to the blow-back action of the slide, and subsequently explain the issues with only half cocking the weapon.

my question is, what could have caused this damage to the loading nozzle? i am in the process of ordering a replacement, however i don't want to fit it just to find the next one breaks as well due to an issue else where in the gun. is it possible to confirm that the issues are due to the loading nozzle only?

I have also ordered a 5KU lightweight blowback housing, which i believe includes a piston head. Although designed for a HI-Capa, im under the impression this should fit directly into the MEU? if not, can anyone advise as to what modifications need to be made?

Finally, can anyone explain to me if this issue could be caused by something in the hammer mechanism itself? maybe to do with the leaf spring and its engagement with the hammer sears?

sorry for bombarding you guys with questions!
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