Originally Posted by SuperCriollo
I started playing Airsoft in Spain in 2008 and I played there for 2 years... our loved sport there is SICK! there is games every single weekend all around the country, in Madrid you have clubs playing games every week, like airsoftmadrid, campo delta, and many others. (and this is only Madrid!! at the other cities is the same)
There you can find abandoned cities towns and all kind of facilities, I had the chance to play in a military base, military bunkers, abandoned Jail, at the mountains, even a cargo ship!, etc etc etc, man... Spain is like heaven for airsofters. And the rules there are VERY strict, no one fucks around and the immortals are spotted chased and known by all the teams, so no one allows them to play in their fields. The distances and FPS are respected everywhere. I totally miss that place for this sport. And the economic crisis helped a lot with finding places to play, there is abandoned buildings or projects EVERYWHERE! The pics up here are abandoned airports (there is 2 close to madrid) And I guess the second one is Alcorcon, or some other close to the capital project, the country is full of those abandoned ones. To bad for the economy, AWESOME for us.