I use one of the
koei masks from time to time, I cut everything below the nose off, and drilled small holes all over, so its just a lower, and its the same plastic, Ive taken many shots off it and its fine...
That said...
I could see how the teeth part might puncture when hit by a bb as theres small holes in between the teeth ( I guess to breath easier) but if it did break through, i imagine it would absorb most of the impact. Theres guys on here that use shemaughs to absorb BB impacts lol, so yeah... haha
I dont know, for $2 its ok... alot of guys dont use lowers. Im one of those guys that hates them, but is too paranoid to game without them.
Im constantly trying to find a goggle/lower combo that I really like as appose to one I learn to deal with. Not saying this thing is the answer, but as a backup/loaner its ok.