Originally Posted by -Otto-
Yeah it doesn't. But as you might know, Stark Arms are very close to G18C Marui system. And they use it in 17/19. If you figure out how to set in place the thing that is responsible for resetting trigger bar, then it should work (if not it would be either full or semi auto only)?
Why would it be hard time to take it off? Sure its a problem when you put G18C slide with G18C internals on G17 hammer assembly, but thats not the thing we discuss.
As I said (if I remember correctly), the Stark Arms Glocks use a universal internal system based on the Marui Glock 18c internals. Their G19, G17 and G18c all use the same system unlike Marui where they use two different systems for their semi and full auto Glocks. Essentially, the Stark Arms semi Glocks are Glock 18c's in a Glock 17 body.
This is how the Stark Arms system is able to interchange complete slides so readily. The only real difference is that piece that blocks the fire selector when using a G17 Stark Arms slide and the inclusion of a lock block on the front chasis.
For the Question of whether you can put a G18 BBU into g17 slide, all I can say is that it's possible if you modify the shit out of it. WHich i wouldn't recommend you doing unless you have a spare G18c BBU. Then go buy a G18c hammer block to replace your G17 hammer set to ge it to work...
A g18c BBU needs to trip certain things (mainly the auto sear). Thus it will have different dimensions and different cut outs. You'll need to modify that G18c BBU heavily.
Even if you fit the G18c BBU in the G17 slide, the gun will not function fluently. The gun will actually jam on you several times....