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Old August 31st, 2013, 23:41   #1
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Brooklyn NY U.S.A
CA-25 or G&G-25 which one should I get?

Hi ya'll.
I've noticed that few years ago the CA-25 were the same price as G&G-25 but now the CA-25 is dropped to $279.99 and G&G-25 is $419.99 on airsplat. Anyone had experience with both guns can tell me the differences between these two sniper rifle? I already preordered CA-25 but they don't have ETA and it's been 4 weeks. I kinda can't awaiting longer. if the G&G-25 is really worst the money and CA-25 is sucks big time. I might consider to spend more money for G&G-25.
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