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Old August 29th, 2013, 09:08   #37
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No I was not present when the discussions were being had at but I was present for the the situations leading up to the meetings. Only when some of the parties were beyond pissed did you guys decide to bring both sides to the table. I was in our CP tent with my CO, 2ic, and one of the field owners before the issue was taken to the front to be discussed, so I have an idea of how displeased everyone was prior to the meet. You guys were slow to react, I didn't say you never did. A stronger and faster presence is required.

If you don't like my tone it's because you have conjured it up in your own head. I never stated a bias towards one team, but instead it seemed to swing in favor of one team or the other throughout the game. If you guys are going to change things up on the fly make sure it makes sense. You can call your quick game set changes done on the fly part of BATTLESIM but in the field it comes off as bad planning.

Originally Posted by Blackthorne View Post
Here are some issues I encountered at AOW.

You obviously were not present for the TWO times we pulled both sides into the game control area and worked out issues with a trained mediator. If you are going to bash the resolution process, be specific about where it failed. we have a resounding positive reports from players and team leaders on how issues were handled.

I don't like your tone in that it suggests bias towards one team of the other. Yes, some of the objectives could have been executed better, totally agree. That was due mainly to a couple of loopholes that Derek and I found in our rule-sets that created ambiguity and confusion.

We decided it was better to move the game forward and smooth things over than call a halt to the game and ruin everyone's morale. Command from both teams were directly involved in that decision. They actually came up with the solutions as mediated by Scarecrow.

If you have a problem with the changes to the event, I suggest you talk to your commanders and ask them about game decisions, as they helped make them during parley.

Agreed. People didn't know what to do with a more real life operational OPSEC situation. BattleSim will continue this approach, but with some changes to satisfy the requests of players to have more back story and key motivational objectives so they can get behind what their respective teams are doing.

At any rate, this is turning into a great thread, just not about the OPs topic of choice. we are going to have to start another one to focus on Blood Diamond and leave this one as a discussion on hosting.

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